Yoga Nidra: The In-between

Last night our Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra class focused on The In-Between. The space between the outbreath and the inbreath; the state between; the present moment.

We are practiced at rushing from A to B. If we were more practiced in its opposite, or rest, we could feel differently in this life.

What is an alternative between A and B? How does it feel?

You could stop reading right now for a minute, to explore. Relax your body. Take a deep breath in. Slowly let breathe out, fully. And rest in the beautiful pause.

What was that like? What’s your own version of In-between? A word. Image. Quality. Go there often.

Over time, this in-between space can be deliciously spacious. Gentle. An absence of tension.

Between loss and hope.

We can choose what we find in this space. Let the in-between resonate into your next inbreath, outbreath. Life.

Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra. Every Tuesday 6.30pm-7.15pm. Forest-studio Titahi Bay or online via Zoom.

More about BeCalmed Studio’s Yoga Nidra here.

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