Experience Deep Rest and Calm
What is BeCalmed: Mind Rest
This beautiful practice is traditionally known as Yoga Nidra, a super easy, lying down guided meditation that allows your body and mind to rebalance tension and relaxation. This meditation mimics the brainwaves of sleep so your body can restore all the systems you need to be healthy. Yoga Nidra can greatly help with insomnia, anxiety, chronic fatigue, long-Covid and chronic stress.
This ancient, beautiful practice supports your clever body to do what it does naturally - heal itself.
BeCalmed: Mind Rest helps to balance your nervous system. Your body cannot heal when your nervous system is in stress mode, even low levels of stress. Your nervous systems tells your body to triage its tasks. It puts systems like digestion, immunity and quality sleep on hold in favour of the basics - to keep you alive.
Any unbalanced tension from your usual day could be making you sick. Deep rest and relaxation allows the nervous system to switch over to rest and digest so that the body can heal and restore itself.
Practiced regularly, the benefits of Yoga Nidra are impressive: Reduction in stress and hypertension; better sleep; improvements in digestion and inflammation; regulating hormone production including melatonin; and letting go of the things you no longer want to feel in your life.
Placing intentions for your life in your mind when you are deeply relaxed allows you to move towards your intention more deeply. Even if you think it’s hard to change your experience of your life as it is now, Yoga Nidra will gently support you to do so.
Relax the body to relax the mind.
Yoga Nidra brings the restorative power of deep rest into your body and mind while we are awake. The beauty of getting to this state while you are awake is that it trains your brains to be calmer and more present as you live your life. You begin to respond, not react, because you have this new experience of resting back into relaxation. It becomes your new backdrop.
This easy, guided meditation practice is usually done lying down but can also be done sitting, in a chair, against a wall - whatever your version of most comfortable is.
The mind is given something to focus on - without the chit-chat and worry - so you can enter a gorgeous state of deep relaxation. You create a shift away from thinking to being.
A focus on breathing allows you to enter deep states of relaxation and rest.
Our breath is the only autonomic system in our bodies we can change. Breathing focus is a key aspect of Yoga Nidra as it settles the mind and calms the body - taking you out of reaction. With regular practice, you may notice you tend to respond to things rather than react. You may experience moments of calm, without any effort. How lovely would that be.
Much of yoga isn’t about strenuous poses, or even any action. The ‘action’ takes place in rest and stillness.
The mind is more comfortable with doing that it is resting. But the mind isn’t always right! Rebalance your doing with some silence and stillness. Yoga Nidra works on the subtle layers of the body and mind - the things we think, want and need to resolve. The body hears everything. Let your body listen to a quieter mind.
Yoga Nidra is suitable for all bodies and experiences.
Yoga Nidra works with you as you are, at your own pace, in your own time. It took you a lifetime to get here - now it might be time for a different strategy. Try a different pace, a different gentleness in what you do next to support yourself. We hope that’s Yoga Nidra.
If this is your first experience of Yoga Nidra you will be warmly welcomed into a gorgeous forest-setting place. You are also invited to attend these session on Zoom, live.
Private sessions are also available if you’d like to work more on the intention setting aspect of Yoga Nidra. Move in the direction of how you want to feel with ease.
If you suffer from severe anxiety or depression, or any other mental or physical condition that prohibits you from lying down and being alone for a time, please consult your doctor before you try any practices like Yoga Nidra, Aroha nui ki a koe.
Find our more about Mind Rest (Yoga Nidra).
Online and forest-studio classes. Private one-on-one classes to see what’s behind your stress and to replace it with a calmer intention.
We have relaunched Yoga Nidra as BeCalmed: Mind Rest. Nothing will change, just a more accessible name.
You can now also turn up earlier (5.30pm) for some gentle restorative yoga in our new BeCalmed Tuesdays class. Book here.
45 minute forest-studio BeCalmed: Mind Rest (Yoga Nidra) Sessions
Yoga Nidra may offer you the deepest experience of calm you’ve ever felt. This is done by systematically reducing physical and mental tensions by relaxing the body and the mind. This special, traditional yoga practice is practiced lying down, listening to a guided voice. It’s not magic or woo woo — it’s just simply letting go into deep relaxation. These classes offer an eight-stage Yoga Nidra practice.
WHEN // Tuesday nights, 6.30-7.15pm.
CLASS DURATION // 45 minutes
VENUE // BeCalmed Studio, Titahi Bay, Porirua, Wellington.
ALSO ONLINE // 45-50 minutes, via Zoom
COST // $25 per class (in-studio); $15 (online); $150 10-trip for either
ONLINE 45 minute BeCalmed: Mind Rest (Yoga Nidra) Sessions
Zoom online sessions
Your online class will be a live-stream of the forest-studio class.
WHEN // Tuesday nights, 6.30pm-7.15pm.
CLASS DURATION // 45 minutes
VENUE // Zoom. A link will be sent the day before.
COST // $15 per class (any koha also accepted - please contact me)
For September, come for free. Register for your Zoom link here.
Private one-on-one classes
Flexible - 6-sessions
Let’s get to the bottom of your stress or overwhelm and meet just you and me. Studio or online. In six sessions, we can dive deep into disengaging from stress thoughts. We will create a personal intention and personal class. This will be recorded for you to use beyond our classes. If you’re ready to really make a change, reach out.
WHEN // Whenever suits
CLASS DURATION // 60-minutes
VENUE // BeCalmed Studio, Titahi Bay, Porirua, Wellington
ALSO ONLINE // 60-minutes, via Zoom
COST // $65 per class