Janie Walker Janie Walker

Yoga Nidra: The In-between

This Yoga Nidra classes’ theme of The In-Between. The pause between the outbreath and the inbreath. BeCalmed Studio’s Yoga Nidra classes use mindfulness, breath work and the ancient, beautiful practice of Hatha Yoga Nidra.

Last night our Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra class focused on The In-Between. The space between the outbreath and the inbreath; the state between; the present moment.

We are practiced at rushing from A to B. If we were more practiced in its opposite, or rest, we could feel differently in this life.

What is an alternative between A and B? How does it feel?

You could stop reading right now for a minute, to explore. Relax your body. Take a deep breath in. Slowly let breathe out, fully. And rest in the beautiful pause.

What was that like? What’s your own version of In-between? A word. Image. Quality. Go there often.

Over time, this in-between space can be deliciously spacious. Gentle. An absence of tension.

Between loss and hope.

We can choose what we find in this space. Let the in-between resonate into your next inbreath, outbreath. Life.

Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra. Every Tuesday 6.30pm-7.15pm. Forest-studio Titahi Bay or online via Zoom.

More about BeCalmed Studio’s Yoga Nidra here.

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